Plasmonics Publications
Plasmonic Properties of GLAD Structures
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, “Tuning the optical absorption properties of Ag nanorods by their topologic shapes: A discrete dipole approximation calculation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 023110 (2006).
S. B. Chaney, Z.-Y. Zhang, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Anomalous polarized absorbance spectra of aligned Ag nanorod arrays,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 053117 (2006).
C. L. Leverette, S. A. Jacobs, S. Shanmukh, S. B. Chaney, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Aligned Silver nanorod arrays as substrates for surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRA),” Appl. Spectroscopy 60, 906–913 (2006).
Y.-P. Zhao, S. B. Chaney, and Z.-Y. Zhang, “Absorbance spectra of aligned Ag nanorod arrays prepared by oblique angle deposition,” J. Appl. Phys. 100, 063527 (2006).
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, "Optical properties of helical Ag nanostructures calculated by discrete dipole approximation method," Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 221501 (2007).
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, “Extinction spectra and electrical field enhancement of Ag nanorods with different topologic shapes,” J. Appl. Phys. 102, 113308 (2007).
Y.-P. He, Z.-Y. Zhang, C. Hoffmann, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Embedding Ag nanoparticles into MgF2 nanorod arrays,” Advanced Functional Materials 18, 1676–1684 (2008).
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, “Optical properties of helical and multi-ring Ag nanostructures: the effect of pitch height,” J. Appl. Phys. 104, 013517 (2008).
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, “Optical properties of U-shaped Ag nanostructures,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 345223 (2008).
J.-X. Fu, A. Collins, and Y.-P. Zhao, “The optical properties and biosensor application of ultra thin Silver films prepared by oblique angle deposition,” J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 16784–16791 (2008).
J.-X. Fu, B. Park, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Limitation of a localized surface plasmon resonance sensor for Salmonella detection,” Sensors & Actuators B 141, 276–283 (2009).
J.-X. Fu, B. Park, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Nanorod mediated surface plasmon resonance sensor based on effective medium theory,” Applied Optics 48, 4637–4649 (2009).
J.-X. Fu and Y.-P. Zhao, "Au nanoparticle based localized surface plasmon resonance substrates fabricated by dynamic shadowing growth," Nanotechnology 21, 175303 (2010).
Chien Y. Lin, Yun H. Wang, Jung Y. Huang, Yongjun Liu and Yiping Zhao, “Impact of electric quadrupolar coupling on the optical response of an array of nano-objects,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 225301 (2010).
Z.-Y. Zhang and Y.-P. Zhao, "The visible extinction peaks of Ag nano-helixes: a periodic effective dipole model," Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 083102 (2011).
Qin Zhou, Yuping He, Justin Abell, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Optical properties and surface enhanced Raman scattering of L-shaped silver nanorod arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 14131–14140 (2011).
X. J. Wang, A. M. Haider, J. L. Abell, Y.-P. Zhao, and Z. M. Zhang, "Anisotropic diffraction from inclined Silver nanorod arrays on grating templates," Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 16, 18–36 (2012).
X. J. Wang, J. L. Abell, Y.-P. Zhao, and Z. M. Zhang, "Angle-resolved reflectance of obliquely aligned silver nanorods," Applied Optics 51, 1521–1531 (2012).
Wei Cao, Chunyuan Song, Thomas E. Lanier, Ranjan Singh, John F. O’Hara, William M. Dennis, Yiping Zhao, and Weili Zhang, "Tailoring terahertz plasmons with silver nanorod arrays," Scientific Reports 3, doi:10.1038/srep01766 (2013).
Yizhuo He, Junxue Fu, and Yiping Zhao, "Oblique angle deposition and its applications in plasmonics," Frontiers of Physics 9, 47–59 (2014).
Chiral Metamaterials
George Larsen, Yizhuo He, Whitney Ingram, and Yiping Zhao, "Hidden chirality in superficially racemic patchy Silver films," Nano Lett. 13, 6228–6232 (2013).
George K. Larsen, Yizhuo He, Jin Wang, and Yiping Zhao, "Scalable fabrication of composite Ti/Ag plasmonic helices: controlling morphology and optical activity by tailoring material properties," Adv. Opt. Mat. 2, 245–249 (2014).
Yizhuo He, George Larsen, Whitney Ingram, and Yiping Zhao, "Tunable three-dimensional helically stacked plasmonic layers on nanosphere monolayers," Nano Letters 14, 1976–1981 (2014).
George K. Larsen, Yizhuo He, Whitney Ingram, Ethan T. LaPaquette, Jing Wang, and Yiping Zhao, "The fabrication of three-dimensional plasmonic chiral structures by dynamic shadowing growth," Nanoscale 6, 9467–9476 (2014).
George K. Larsen and Yiping Zhao, “Extracting the anisotropic optical parameters of chiral plasmonic nanostructured thin films using generalized ellipsometry,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 071109 (2014).
Yizhuo He, George Larsen, Xibo Li, Whitney Ingram, Funing Chen, and Yiping Zhao, "Nanoscale conical Swiss roll with broadband visible and near-IR circular dichroism," Advanced Optical Materials 3, 342–346 (2015).
Yizhuo He, Keelan Lawrence, Whitney Ingram, and Yiping Zhao, “Strong local chiroptical response in racemic patchy Silver films: enabling a large-area chiroptical device,” ACS Photonics 2, 1246–1252 (2015).
George K. Larsen, Nicholas Stom, and Yiping Zhao, "Continuously tuning the spectral response of chiral plasmonic patchy particles through galvanic replacement reaction," RSC Advances 5, 101257–101261 (2015).
Yizhuo He, Keelan Lawrence, Whitney Ingram and Y.-P. Zhao, "Circular dichroism based refractive index sensing using chiral metamaterials," Chem. Commun. 52, 2047–2050 (2016).
Jitto Titus, George Larsen, Yiping Zhao, and A. G. Unil Perera, "Large circular dichroism and optical rotation in titanium doped chiral silver nanorods," Annalen der Physik, DOI: 10.1002/andp.201600103 (2016).
Yizhuo He, Xinghai Wang, Whitney Ingram, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, "Optimized fan-shaped chiral metamaterial as an ultrathin narrow-band circular polarizer at visible frequencies," Nanotechnology 29, 095301 (2018).
Bin Ai, Hoang Luong, and Yiping Zhao, “Chiral nanohole arrays,” Nanoscale 12, 2479–2491 (2020).
Hoang Mai Luong, Minh Thien Pham, Tho Duc Nguyen, and Yiping Zhao, "Active Ag-Co composite chiral nanohole arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 716–723 (2021).
Nima Karimitari, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, “A Comparison Study of the Born-Kuhn Model and the Finite-Difference-Time-Domain Calculations on Stacked Plasmonic Nanorods,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 325104 (2022).
Plasmonic Structures Made by Shadowing Sphere Lithography
Layne Bradley and Yiping Zhao, "Uniform plasmonic response of colloidal Ag patchy particles prepared by swinging oblique angle deposition," Langmuir 32, 4969–4974 (2016).
Whitney Ingram, Yizhuo He, Dexian Ye, Keenan Stone, William Dennis, and Yiping Zhao, "Tuning the plasmonic properties of Silver nanopatterns fabricated by shadow nanosphere lithography," Nanotechnology 27, 385301 (2016).
Whitney Ingram, Steven Larson, Daniel Carlson, and Yiping Zhao, "Ag-Cu mixed phase plasmonic nanostructures fabricated by shadow nanosphere llithography and glancing angle co-deposition," Nanotechnology 28, 015301 (2017).
Bin Ai, Pradip Basnet, Steven Larson, Whitney Ingram, and Yiping Zhao, "Plasmonic sensor with high figure of merit based on differential polarization spectra of elliptical nanohole array," Nanoscale 9, 14710–14721 (2017).
Connor Skehan, Bin Ai, Steven R Larson, Keenan M Stone, William M Dennis, and Yiping Zhao, "Plasmonic and SERS performances of compound nanohole arrays fabricated by shadow sphere lithography," Nanotechnology 29, 165301 (2018).
Steven R Larson and Yiping Zhao, "The localized surface plasmonic resonance and sensing properties of Ag-MgF2 composite nanotriangles," J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 7374–7381 (2018).
Hong-Feng Wang, Jun-Xian Shi, Lin-Yong Qian, Chang-Chun Yan, Cai-Qin Han, and Yi-Ping Zhao, "Large-area broadband optical absorber fabricated by shadowing sphere lithography," Optics Express 26, 7507–7515 (2018).
Hoang Mai Luong, Bin Ai, Yiping Zhao, and Tho Duc Nguyen, "Weak enhanced resonant Faraday rotation in pure cobalt plasmonic lattices: Thickness dependent Faraday rotation studies," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 468, 79–84 (2018).
Bin Ai, Steven Larson, Layne Bradley, and Yiping Zhao, "A flexible strategy to fabricate gradient plasmonic nanostructures," Advanced Materials Interfaces, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201800975 (2018).
Bin Ai, Chunyuan Song, Layne Bradley, and Yiping Zhao, "Strong Fano resonanceexcited in an array of nanoparticle-in-ring nanostructures for dual plasmonic sensor applications," J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 20935– 20944 (2018).
Bin Ai and Yiping Zhao, "Glancing angle deposition meets colloidal lithography: a new evolution in the design of nanostructures," Nanophotonics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2018-0105 (2018).
Steven Larson, Zilan Yang, and Yiping Zhao, "Improving LSPR sensing performance using multilayered composition graded Ag–Cu nanotriangle arrays," Chem. Commun. 55, 1342–1344 (2019).
Steven Larson, Daniel Carlson, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, "The extraordinary optical transmission and sensing properties of Ag/Ti composite nanohole arrays," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 3771–3780 (2019).
Steven Larson, Hoang Luong, Chunyuan Song, and Yiping Zhao, "Dipole radiation induced extraordinary optical transmission for Silver nanorods covered Silver nanohole arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 5634–5641 (2019).
Hoang Mai Luong, Minh Thien Pham, Bin Ai, Tho Duc Nguyen, and Yiping Zhao, "Magnetoplasmonic properties of Ag-Co composite nanohole arrays," Phys. Rev. B 99, 224413 (2019).
Hoang Mai Luong, Minh Thien Pham, Tho Duc Nguyen, and Yiping Zhao, "Magneto-plasmonic properties of Ag-Co composite nano-triangle arrays," Nanotechnology 30, 425203 (2019).
Hoang Luong, Minh Pham, Tho Nguyen, and Yiping Zhao, "Enhanced resonant Faraday rotation in multilayer magneto-plasmonic nano-hole arrays and their sensing application," J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 28377–28384 (2019).
Layne Bradley, Dexian Ye, Hoang Luong, and Yiping Zhao, “Transition from discrete patches to plasmonic nanohole array by glancing angle deposition on nanosphere monolayers,” Nanotechnology 31, 205301 (2020).
Yanfeng Wang, Hoang Mai Luong, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, “Coupling between plasmonic nanohole array and nanorod arrays: the emerging of a new extraordinary optical transmission mode and epsilon-near-zero property,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 275202 (2020).
Yanfeng Wang, Harrison Chong, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Large-area fabrication of complex nanohole arrays with highly tunable plasmonic properties," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 37435–37443 (2020).
Chunyuan Song, Xinyu Jiang, Yanjun Yang, Jingjing Zhang, Steven Larson, Yiping Zhao, and Lianhui Wang, "High-sensitive assay of nucleic acid using tetrahedral DNA probes and DNA concatamers with a surface-enhanced Raman scattering/surface plasmon resonance dual-mode biosensor based on a Silver nanorod-covered Silver nanohole array," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 31242–31254 (2020).
Yanfeng Wang, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "The effect of nanorod position on the plasmonic properties of the complex nanorod in nanohole arrays, " J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 155201 (2021).
Minh Pham, Hoang Luong, Huy Pham, Tyler Guin, Yiping Zhao, George Larsen, and Tho Nguyen, “Pd80Co20 nanohole arrays coated with Poly(methyl methacrylate) for high-speed hydrogen sensing with part-per-billion detection limit,” ACS Applied Nano Materials 4, 3664–3674 (2021).
Yanfeng Wang, Fei Yang, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, “The performance of transparent metallic thin films,” J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 16334 – 16342 (2021).
Yanfeng Wang, Inyoung Choi, Kaiyuan Zhang, Yanjun Yang, Shen Ao, Shen; Xiaotian Xue, Wangyang Fu, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, “Highly conductive nanograting-nanohole structures with tunable and dual-band spectral transparency,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 3489–3500 (2021).
Layne Bradley, Xiangxin Lin, Yanjun Chen, Mona Namin, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, “Janus Particles with Flower-Like Patches Prepared by Shadow Sphere Lithography,” Langmuir 37, 13637–13644 (2021).
Wang Yanfeng, Shen Ao, Fei Yang, Zhengjun Zhang, Zhengjun, and Yiping Zhao, “Coupling between Surface Plasmon Modes of Single-Layer Complex Silver Nanohole Array and Enhancing Index Sensing,” ACS Applied Nano Materials 5, 9761 - 9770 (2022).