Materials and Structures​
Y. He and Y.-P. Zhao, “NIR laser induced photothermal coloration in WO3.H2O nanoflakes,” J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 61–68 (2008).
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George Larsen, Robert Carl Fitzmorris, Jin Z. Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of Cr:TiO2 nanorod array fabricated by oblique angle co-deposition," J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 16892 - 16903 (2011).
Pradip Basnet, George K. Larsen, Ravirajsinh P. Jadeja, Yen-Con Hung, and Yiping Zhao, "α-Fe2O3 nanocolumns and nanorods fabricated by electron beam evaporation for visible light photocatalytic and antimicrobial applications," ACS App. Mater. Interfaces 5, 2085–2095 (2013).
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Pradip Basnet and Yiping Zhao,"Superior dye adsorption capacity of amorphous WO3 sub-micrometer rods fabricated by glancing angle deposition," Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 911–914 (2014).
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Mohammed Meziani, Xiuli Dong, Lu Zhu, Les Jones, Gregory LeCroy, Fan Yang, Shengyuan Wang, Ping Wang, Yiping Zhao, Liju Yang, Ralph Tripp, and Ya-Ping Sun, "Visible-light-activated bactericidal functions of carbon quantum dots," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 10761 - 10766 (2016).
Steven Larson, Weijie Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Combinatorial fabrication of composite nanorods using oblique angle co-deposition," Nanotechnology 27, 365304 (2016).
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Photoelectrochemical Cells
A. Wolcott , W. A. Smith, T. R.. Kuykendall, Y.-P. Zhao, and J. Z. Zhang, “Photoelectrochemical water splitting using dense and aligned TiO2 nanorod arrays,” Small 5, 104–111 (2009).
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Wilson Smith, Abraham Wolcott, Robert Carl Fitzmorris, Jin Z. Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Quasi-core-shell TiO2/WO3 and WO3/TiO2 nanorod arrays fabricated by glancing angle deposition for solar water splitting," Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 10792-10800 (2011).
George K. Larsen, Bob C. Fitzmorris, Claudia Longo, Jin Z. Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Nanostructured homogenous CdSe/TiO2 composite visible light photoanodes fabricated by oblique angle codeposition," Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 14205-14218 (2012).
Kun Yao, Pradip Basnet, Henry Sessions, Simona E. Hunyadi Murph, and Yiping Zhao, "Fe2O3-TiO2 core-shell nanorodarrays for visible light photocatalytic applications," Catalysis Today 270, 51 - 58 (2016).
Pradip Basnet and Yiping Zhao, "Tuning the CuxO nanorod composition for efficient visible light induced photocatalysis," Catalysis Science & Technology 6, 2228 - 2238 (2016).
Lu Zhu, Pradip Basnet, Steven R. Larson, Les P. Jones, Jane Y. Howe, Ralph A. Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, "Visible light-induced photoeletrochemical and antimicrobial properties of hierarchical CuBi2O4 by facile hydrothermal synthesis," ChemistrySelect 1, 1518 - 1524 (2016).
Steven Larson and Yiping Zhao, "Tuning the Composition of BixWyO nanorods towards zero bias PEC water splitting," Nanotechnology 27, 255401 (2016).
Pradip Basnet, Erik Anderson, and Yiping Zhao, "Hybrid CuxO-TiO2 nanopowders prepared by ball milling for solar energy conversion and visible-light-induced wastewater treatment​," ACS Applied Nano Materials 2, 2446-2455 (2019).
Carrier Dynamics
J. K. Song, J. M. Szarko, S. R. Leone, S.-H. Li, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Ultrafast carrier dynamics and wavelength-dependent lasing-time characteristics in single ZnO nanotetrapod and nanowire lasers,” J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 15749–15753 (2005).
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R. Fitzmorris, G. Larsen, D. Wheeler, Y.-P. Zhao, and J. Zhang, "Ultrafast charge transfer dynamics in polycrystalline CdSe/TiO2 nanorods prepared by oblique angle co-deposition," J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 5033-5041 (2012).​
Learnmore Shenje, Steven Larson, Yiping Zhao, and Susanne Ullrich, “Composition effects on ultrafast optical properties of CuxOy thin films: a transient absorption study,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 24908–24918 (2020).